Alpha Update

Hey there everyone!

Overall it was a rough week. Despite all that we have released the first Alpha for Exodus. Though many revisions need to be made and several mechanics are still in the works, we are on our way to making this game a reality.

Player Experience Goals:

From this Alpha we hope to demonstrate our intended feelings for the player. 

Exodus should make the Player feel like they are in a vast world of serene majesty.

Exodus will allow the player to piece together a story from what remains they discover among the rubble. 

Exodus will give the player the opportunity to gain new powers and abilities by interacting with the world.

The main mechanics we have implemented are: The ability to read notes and memory objects with their own text. An updated Flying ability that will unlock for the character once an item is grabbed. 

The things we still want to work on: A second level with a teleporter to access the new flight ability. An 'Interact' function that works as a faux "ability" that allows the Main Character to enter levels, interact with the world, and unlock abilities. Forced camera controls that allow for cutscenes to look at the scenery.

We have been developing concept art and production art for modular assets that we hope to implement soon. Most things are in the placeholder stages, but we hope you enjoy what we have so far!

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This is looking amazing, and the mechanic feels really cool!! I'd build your clues more into the narrative. It wasn't always intuitive where to go and I feel like having more bodies to give clues instead of gifts might help the player move along while keeping the narrative in tact.

Joseph Marcus' Alpha Feedback:

  • Love the art style. Really looking forward to seeing the player sprite's movement animations.
  • Solid flying mechanic.
  • Next step I would take is creating the general layout of the first level, to give the player an idea of what to expect in the final version.